He would had turned 91 today

He was born in 1918 in Mexico City....could be said that "in a far away place, a long time ago"...so is the world he knew as a child and a young man to the world Mexico City has become today. An artist by birth, an Architect by choice, his resume of his personal achievements in his career, started in the years of the consolidation of the modern Mexico, is quite remarkable. Among many things, he was in the team of Arq. Vladimir Kaspé when the San Angel campus of the UNAM (National and Autonomous University of Mexico) was being built and his contribution was the fortunate redesign of the buildings for the Schools of Law, Economic Sciences and Humanities. He thought the students would be more comfortable if the classrooms were not facing the cold North but the pleasant South with natural light coming from a big landscape garden full of Jacaranda trees that still bloom every Spring. Arq. Kaspé and Arq. Pani approved his drawing and the building was constructed according to his blueprints. It is still there, having underwent some external remodeling.
Latter he would be teaching for more than 30 years a class on History of Architecture and Art History for generations of students of the Architecture Department of UNAM.
I do remember him with gratitude and love. He was my Dad, but that fact is irrelevant for the blog that starts today, commemorating his 91st. birthday: it is the memory of a very dear and important person in my professional life, for if I had made teaching Art History my profession and passion, it was because of him, the first person I debated Art subjects with and whose teachings I am still sharing with my own students of Art Appreciation and Art History a world apart.
"Desde mi alberca" -roughly translated to English to From my reflecting poolside, more in the idea of the Alhambra decorative pools, mirroring turquoise skies than the YMCA Olympic-sized- wishes to keep a space as pleasant and enlightened as the world I shared with him talking about art and every minutiae of life that has to do with it. Welcome to all!
