La "Clave Pascua 99" - Code Easter 99 (keep reading)

Gekko on a glass window. MHC March 2010

¿Sientes tu corazón latir?
"Eso" - que latía aún antes de tener
músculo y sangre para hacerlo,
y seguirá latiendo
aún cuando ese corazón se haya detenido,
prueba que
la Vida es eterna.

Es pecado de incoherencia
el vivir como si uno no supiera el fin de la Historia, sabiéndolo.
"Vana es nuestra fe" decía San Pablo,
si la Resurrección no fuera un hecho.
Aunque cuesta acordarse.
El sin sentido y el dolor puedan ser aplastantes....
así la soledad y el temor que duran años y años.

La Resurrección fue para todos,
es para todos y todo,
animal, vegetal o mineral,
porque todo tiene remedio,
aún viniendo de la obscuridad y de la muerte.

Pero antes
hay que vencer el miedo que nos ata a la vieja forma.
No podemos escapar de la Naturaleza
que es lucha y conflicto
unión y separación,
vida y muerte,
Créeme: Resurrección de lo "vivo" y de lo "muerto"
porque no hay más que VIDA.
Sufrimos porque no entendemos.
Porque la mayor parte del tiempo
cuesta caminar cuando duele y no se ve claro
y todo es tan aburrido.

Poppies after Easter week. MHC April 2010

Pero .....
vamos caminando.
Hay movimiento.
Tu corazón sigue latiendo
La fe en lo que vendrá ya es la mitad de su llegada.
Nunca digas "nunca".
No des lo no venido por perdido
y hágase según tu fe en la vida que tienes adentro.
Y aún si esto no lo entendieras ahora, sucede.
Mira el sol que sale,
llega siempre la noche,
las heridas se cierran y la vida nunca se acaba.

Hay un lugar a dónde van todas las cosas perdidas.
Pregúntale a tu corazón dónde están:
ilusiones, sueños, proyectos, objetos,
animalitos, personas amadas e idas,
Vas a llorar al principio.
Tal vez mucho y por un tiempo que te parecerá eterno.
Te va a asustar sentir esos huecos de abandono en carne viva.
Pensarás que no hay remedio, que el dolor va a matarte.
Pero si no te dejas paralizar, vas a empezar a ver claro y sabrás
que todo eso está aquí, ahora,
porque el cambio de forma no equivale a su extinción definitiva.

Todo florecerá: créeme
tarde o temprano.
• Vino el arco iris después del Diluvio.
• Israel fue liberado.
• Se llegó a la Tierra Prometida
• La descendencia de Abraham fue más numerosa que las estrellas.
• El Árbol de Jesé echó una ramita nueva.
• El sol sigue saliendo todas las mañanas y las estrellas
-las veamos o no- todas las noches.

Ponte la mano en el corazón y llena el siguiente renglón con una
experiencia de transformación continua "a mejor subiendo" que hayas tenido:

Todo lo perdido, todo lo que falta,
es un problema de óptica,
cuestión de ver más claro.
Nada se ha perdido por la sencilla razón de que nada puede morir.
Lo vivo deviene: llegará.
"Toda sangre llega al lugar de su quietud" como el oleaje a la playa.
Hay Viernes de Agonía, Sábados de Sin Sentido y Domingos de Gloria.

Independientemente de pasar largas temporadas estancados
en el primero y segundo día, el tercero llegará.

es un misterio que obliga a vivir en actitud de reverencia
porque hay mucho que falta por entender y eso toma tiempo.

La obscuridad se combate encendiendo una luz por pequeña
que sea y poniéndola en un sitio visible.
Las campanas de Pascua son esa luz.

Cada año,
en el silencio de la noche del sin sentido
estallan jubilosas con un
Y la Vida, sin el lastre del miedo, irá tomando su cauce.

Confía y Espera.
Y pasa la voz.

Pascua de 1999.

Poppies after Easter week. MHC April 2010

Do you feel your heart beating?
"That" - pulsing even before having
flesh and blood to do so,
and that would keep on
even when that heart has stopped,
is the living proof
that LIFE is eternal.

Inconherence is a sin.
Living as if we had no idea how that story ended
when we do know it.
"Our faith is in vain" in the words of the Apostle Paul,
if Resurrection were not a fact.
Is easy to believe a Living God resurrected ...but us all?
It is sometimes too difficult to remember...
When pain and insanity threaten to crush us...
When fear and loneliness seem to be everlasting.

Resurrection happened for all Creation,
whether animal, vegetal or mineral.
Because of it all can be healed
even the deepest darkness, even death.
It was Triumph over Death.

But before understanding this
we need to conquer the fear that enslaves us to old ways of thinking.
We seem unable to detach completely from matter
and its inheritance of limitations and conflict,
regarding as absolutes union and division,
life and death, light and darkness,
when truth is ALL is a cycle,
tending to Resurrect.

Believe me: all "alive" and all "dead" will Resurrect
because there is nothing else but LIFE.
Suffering stems from a misunderstanding.
It is difficult to keep on
when in pain, when blind, when all is stagnant.

keep moving on.
There is the beat, the pulse.
Touch your heart... it is beating, you are alive
and good things happen to those alive.
Faith in what is to come is the paved road for all to reach you.

Poppies after Easter week. MHC April 2010

Never say never.
Do not consider what has not yet come to be lost forever
and all will be done unto you according to your faith in the Life within you.
Even if your mind is not understanding completely, it is happening NOW.
Look at the Sun rising,
Night is never late to its daily schedule,
all wounds heal -taking care they do not get infected-
LIFE never ends.

There is a place where all lost is found.
Ask your heart where are all those
dreams, hopes, projects, things,
all those we have loved -human or animal-
that are -or seem as- gone.....
At first it might make you cry.
A lot and for a time you will feel as an eternity.

You will fear the feeling of those deep wells of pain and neglect
hurting like salt over an open wound.
As if pain were almost to choke you and hopelesness were about to crush you.
Maybe pain will pour out as rage, the bottomless pit of vulnerability.

But if you resist that paralizing sting.
your eyes and heart will start to see, clear and distinct,
and you will be certain that all the above labeled as "lost"
is HERE and NOW,
because the change of shape does not mean definite extinction.

Poppies after Easter week. MHC April 2010

All will bloom again: believe me,
sooner or latter.
• There was a rainbow after the Deluge.
• Israel was freed from the oppression in Egypt.
• The Promised Land was reached and conquered.
• Abraham´s descendency was as countless as the stars.
• Jese´s tree got a new green branch.
• The Sun is up all mornings and the Stars out all nights -even if the city lights or a passing cloud blocks the view.

Touch your heart and write down a personal experience of this continuos transformation for good that has happened -or is happening now- in your life:

All that seems lost, all that is missing,
is an optical glitch,
we all need to see inside first, then focus our eyes outside.
Nothing -absolutely nothing- is lost because
nothing can absolutely "die".

All alive evolves, changes and eventually happens.
"All blood will reach the place of its rest"
as the surf reaches the shore, over and over,
as the tide rises and falls, the Moon who waxes and wanes...
There are Agony Fridays, Stangnant and Senseless Saturdays
and Glorious Resurrection Sundays.

It does not matter if we get stuck in the first and second days,
the third WILL come.

it is a mistery who forces us to live reverently
because there is much we do not understand and getting things straight takes time.

Darkeness is conquered by lighting a small candle placed in a high spot.
The obssessive spread of fear has never proved as useful
as the powerful fire of hope.
Easter Bells announce that fiery light.

Every year,in the deep darkeness of the nature and the soul
they toll with a triumphant

Life -with all its challenges and "if´s"- does not end in a final period.
Life is a positive force and allowing her strong push to saturate us
will wash away fear and all will become a New Earth under New Sky.

The Kingdom of Heaven is a place in the heart before it can be a place on Earth.

May yours be a patient and confident wake.
And like a candle lighting many more, spread the news.

Easter, 1999.

The first Spring leaves of the Crape Myrtles. MHC April 2010


  1. Hermoso...recordare todo esto en "en el silencio de la noche del sin sentido "...

  2. En ese espíritu, un abrazo, mi querida Cecilia.


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